Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hold up, Santa!

The end of 2009 is fast approaching and I am racing against the clock to complete the collection for Fall 2010. As it stands now, I still have only one look finished. But George, my tailor, is hard at work on two more and I've discussed the details of another. Between the holidays and good cheer, there aren't many working days left to crack the proverbial whip. Just start referring to me as Ebenezer for the next few weeks. But don't get it twisted fashionistas, I am just as jolly as that fabled fat man in the fur trimmed red velvet suit. But since I am desperately trying to make a deadline, I've got to reduce my season's greeting from "Ho, Ho, Ho!" to "HO!" Last night, Ila, George, and I were up to our ears in adjustments for the second sample of my No One Gets The Prize style. Check out the photo to the left. Reflecting on the design, I'd say it has a Victor/Victoria flavor to it - a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman. A little confusing to be sure, but when it's done I think you'll be dazzled.

In between Christmas prep, collection prep, and eating way too much Thanksgiving turkey, my family and I took a trip to the local multiplex to check out the movie Precious. I'd read the book, Push by Sapphire on which the film is based, years ago and was blown away by its grittiness, so I was really looking forward to quite a cinematic experience. And of course, it didn't hurt that all the reviews of the movie and the performances were positive. The movie did not disappoint. It's not a story for the faint hearted, but it is an outstanding piece. Mo'Nique's portrayal of an abusive monster for a mother is definitely Oscar worthy. But it is newcomer, Gabourey Sidibe in the lead role that really made me take notice. She is the heart and soul of Precious and carries the film with the unexpected deftness of a seasoned thespian. I was so moved that I've decided that I've got to dress her for the upcoming awards season. So with my small fashion company that can be compared to the the little engine that could, I called the movie studio, Lionsgate, to obtain her contact info. My sister and business partner in crime, Ashanti, crafted a fine email that included images of my work as well as the sketches that I conceived with Miss Sidibe in mind and forwarded it to her management. Miss Sidibe plays an underdog and that's the element of the story that I really identify with. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

My request for donations continues. Please click on the donate button on the right side of this blog screen and help this struggling designer out today. So far, I've raised $335. And I am so grateful, but I really could use a lot more help. And your kindness will definitely be appreciated. I might just be desperate enough to sit on Santa's lap and give him my list of samples that I want to find under my tree on Christmas morning. It may not be the most stylish thing I've ever done, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And although I have been known to be naughty, I've mostly been nice this year.

Peace & Fashion!

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